151. Michael Smerconish. Defining “Independent”. Analyzing Independent Candidates From Gary Johnson to Bloomberg to Schwarzenegger to Yang. How To Be Independent in Media. How F*#ked is Biden with Independents? Neil Young vs Joe Rogan. NFL OT Sucks.

As we all saw this weekend, NFL overtime sucks. A score on the opening drive should NOT end the game. It’s just not fair. The system is broken. Badly. But it’s not just the NFL OT system. The American political system is broken too. Badly. And so is the media. Badly. And the stakes there… Continue reading 151. Michael Smerconish. Defining “Independent”. Analyzing Independent Candidates From Gary Johnson to Bloomberg to Schwarzenegger to Yang. How To Be Independent in Media. How F*#ked is Biden with Independents? Neil Young vs Joe Rogan. NFL OT Sucks.

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