251. Veterans Day Special. Combine Veterans Day and Election Day: A New Idea for a Stronger America.

Veterans Day has been a federal holiday, recognized each November 11, since 1938, but it means little for most Americans beyond a day off from work.

 Attendance at Veterans Day events is regrettably low—and declining rapidly. And so is the veterans’ population in America.

The unfortunate reality that veterans understand is that the overall power and importance of Veterans Day is fading fast.

Simultaneously, America continues to struggle to draw citizens to the polls to vote. Compared to most progressive democracies in the world, our turnout is shamefully low. 

Your host, Army veteran and Founder of Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America, Paul Rieckhoff (@PaulRieckhoff) has a plan to change that—and help fix our broken election system at the same time. It makes a lot of sense, so as you get ready to head into your Veterans Day weekend (yes, it’s Saturday) here’s a little bonus episode with some patriotic and independent food for thought. 

Every episode of Independent Americans hosted by author, activist and social entrepreneur Paul Rieckhoff (@PaulRieckhoff) is the truth beyond the headlines–and light to contrast the heat of other politics and news shows. It’s content for the 49% of Americans that proudly call themselves independent. Always with a unique focus on national security, foreign affairs and military and veterans issues. This is another pod to help you stay vigilant. Because vigilance is the price of democracy. In these trying times especially, Independent Americans will continue to be your trusted place for independent news, politics, inspiration and hope. 

– Read Paul’s op-ed piece on cnn.com.

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