It’s 2024 and for some in politics, nothing is sacred. Not Arlington. Not 9/11. Not America. Nothing. And those people have our enemies celebrating. But not Independent Americans. And not on this show. This show is a celebration of the people who put country over party. The people who choose the right way over the easy way. And this show is a celebration of America and the American people. And so when RFK Jr and Laura Loomer spread absurd and idiotic conspiracy theories about 9/11 on 9/11, you better believe we’re going to call them out on it. Meanwhile, at the same time they were out trying to cast doubt on the bravery of our heroes, we were gathered. Gathered in the historic site where George Washington declared he would not be a king to his men before returning home. Gathered to make the official introduction of the nine Independent Veterans of America endorsed independent veteran candidates from all across the country. From local counties in South Dakota to the US Senate in Washington. An Inspiring and dynamic group of independent veterans that are working to shape a better future for us all. Be like them. Work to build the future, not tear it down. Leaders like Eric Faulkner, a former Navy Master Chief and a refreshing dose of positivity that wants to be a voice for the voiceless and promote positive change. His campaign for City Council in Temecula, California is a mission to help build a stronger community while setting a strong example that inspires others. He’s a strong independent who wants to build unity over division while representing diverse views, building flexibility in governance, and being an advocate for change. He’s an inspiring leader we think you’re going to want to hear more from. It’s the latest in our ongoing and groundbreaking “Meet the Independent Candidates” series. And Paul’s got a new segment! It’s called, “While most Americans didn’t notice”. And you gonna wanna notice it! And, his thoughts on Jill Stein, Tommy Tuberville and more. Every episode of Independent Americans is independent light to contrast the heat of other politics and news shows. It’s content for the 51% of Americans that now call themselves independent. Always with a unique focus on national security, foreign affairs and military and vets issues. This is another pod to help you stay vigilant. Because vigilance is the price of democracy. In these trying times especially, Independent Americans is your trusted place for independent news, politics and inspiration. -Get extra content, connect with guests, events, merch discounts and support this show that speaks truth to power by joining us on Patreon. -Check #LookForTheHelpers on Twitter. And share yours. -Learn more and support Eric Faulkner’s campaign here. -Watch the Independent Veterans of America 9/11 Celebration of Service here. -Learn more about Independent Veterans of America’s new candidate endorsements. -Find us on social media or -Hear other Righteous pods like The Firefighters Podcast with Rob Serra, Uncle Montel – The OG of Weed and B Dorm. Independent Americans is powered by Righteous Media. America’s new independent and veteran-owned media company. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
299. Eric Faulkner. Independent Navy Vet for City Council in Temecula, CA. Lara Loomer is Pushing 9/11 Conspiracies on 9/11—and Rolling With Trump. Someone Again Tries to Shoot Him. Jill Stein is Not an Independent—or Serious. If Not You Then Who?