281. Kodi Sawin. Independent Candidate for Texas State House. Let’s Get VERY Local. Zombie Candidates and Jack’s Smirking Revenge. The Biden vs Trump Debates are Set. And RFK. Jr Won’t Be Part of ‘Em.

This episode we’re headed down south to Texas. America, meet Kodi Sawin (@KodiforTexas). She’s running for the Texas House of Representatives in the 19th district and is up against some stiff competition. But her common sense, no nonsense approach might just have what it takes to win as an independent in deep red (but always… Continue reading 281. Kodi Sawin. Independent Candidate for Texas State House. Let’s Get VERY Local. Zombie Candidates and Jack’s Smirking Revenge. The Biden vs Trump Debates are Set. And RFK. Jr Won’t Be Part of ‘Em.

280. Dan Osborn. Independent Navy Veteran For Senate From Nebraska. From Steamfitter to Senate Candidate. Keeping It Real As A Winning Strategy. RFK Jr’s 9/11 Conspiracy Theories and Brain Worms. DeSantising. Little League Life Lessons.

Welcome back to our groundbreaking “Meet The 2024 Independent Candidates” series—highlighting independent candidates of all kinds, for all levels of office, from all across America. In our second episode in the series we met Shelane Etchison, our first independent VETERAN candidate.  This episode we have another veteran. America, meet inspiring union organizer and INDEPENDENT Navy… Continue reading 280. Dan Osborn. Independent Navy Veteran For Senate From Nebraska. From Steamfitter to Senate Candidate. Keeping It Real As A Winning Strategy. RFK Jr’s 9/11 Conspiracy Theories and Brain Worms. DeSantising. Little League Life Lessons.

279. Shelane Etchison. Special Operations Combat Veteran Running As An Independent For Congress From North Carolina. Can She Beat An Extreme GOP Incumbent and a Dem Who’s Not From There? Will Ft Bragg/Liberty Rally for One of Their Own? Chaos on Campuses.

Welcome back to our groundbreaking “Meet The 2024 Independent Candidates” series—highlighting independent candidates of all kinds, for all levels of office, from all across America. In our second episode in the series, following independent Jared Young running for Senate in Missouri, we have our first independent VETERAN candidate.  Meet inspiring combat veteran, Shelane Etchison (@ShelaneEtchison).… Continue reading 279. Shelane Etchison. Special Operations Combat Veteran Running As An Independent For Congress From North Carolina. Can She Beat An Extreme GOP Incumbent and a Dem Who’s Not From There? Will Ft Bragg/Liberty Rally for One of Their Own? Chaos on Campuses.

278. Jared Young. Independent Candidate for US Senate From Missouri. Can He Beat Josh Hawley & Lucas Kunce? Who Is He, What Does He Stand For, How Does He Define Independent? Congress Finally Delivers for Ukraine. Kennedy’s Whole Family Endorses Biden.

Welcome to the first installment of our groundbreaking “Meet The 2024 Independent Candidates” series—highlighting independent candidates of all kinds, for all levels of office, from all across America.  America, meet Jared Young (@VoteJaredYoung). Jared is the independent candidate for Senate from Missouri running against Republican incumbent Senator Josh Hawley and underperforming Democrat Lucas Kunce. It’s… Continue reading 278. Jared Young. Independent Candidate for US Senate From Missouri. Can He Beat Josh Hawley & Lucas Kunce? Who Is He, What Does He Stand For, How Does He Define Independent? Congress Finally Delivers for Ukraine. Kennedy’s Whole Family Endorses Biden.

277. Mayor Yemi Mobolade. America’s Independent Mayor is Back. Who Will He Endorse for President? The Advantages of Being An Independent Politician. Who the Hell is Melina Abdullah? Trump on Trial. Ukraine’s 1 to 10 Problem. Tee Ball is Life.

The spring offensive is here. The spring offensive of news, chaos, war and misinformation. The spring offensive, attacking democracy foreign and domestic. A spring offensive before the summer storm. A storm of the century.  It’s a storm that’s sweeping across Ukraine. It’s sweeping across America. It’s sweeping across the globe. And despite the fear and… Continue reading 277. Mayor Yemi Mobolade. America’s Independent Mayor is Back. Who Will He Endorse for President? The Advantages of Being An Independent Politician. Who the Hell is Melina Abdullah? Trump on Trial. Ukraine’s 1 to 10 Problem. Tee Ball is Life.

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276. Trump and Biden Jockey to Weaponize Kennedy. No Labels is No More. Arizona Abortion Bombshell Is Not Popular with Independents. Senator Redneck is Back—and Carrying Water for Putin. Cornel West Picks a VP You’ve Never Heard Of.

April is here. March Madness is over. UConn are champions. South Carolina are champions. But the madness isn’t stopping. The madness is just getting started.  And now, it’s REALLY getting interesting. As long predicted and examined on #IndependentAmericans, independents will determine the 2024 election. AND the future of American politics. Donors may be supporting Kennedy,… Continue reading 276. Trump and Biden Jockey to Weaponize Kennedy. No Labels is No More. Arizona Abortion Bombshell Is Not Popular with Independents. Senator Redneck is Back—and Carrying Water for Putin. Cornel West Picks a VP You’ve Never Heard Of.

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275. Bill Hillsman. The Godfather of Independent Politics. Lessons from Jesse Ventura’s Win 25 Years Later. No Labels = No Candidate. Dems Ramp up Attacks on Kennedy, But Maybe They Shouldn’t. Presidential Primaries Are Broken. Hell to the Naw Season.

Independent Political Strategist Bill Hillsman has masterminded some of the most effective and innovative election campaigns in the modern era. Hillsman first rocked the political world when he helped elect the late Minnesota Senator Paul Wellstone in 1990 in one of the biggest political upsets in decades. In 1993, Hillsman took over a floundering Minneapolis… Continue reading 275. Bill Hillsman. The Godfather of Independent Politics. Lessons from Jesse Ventura’s Win 25 Years Later. No Labels = No Candidate. Dems Ramp up Attacks on Kennedy, But Maybe They Shouldn’t. Presidential Primaries Are Broken. Hell to the Naw Season.

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274. Ken Burns. How Sick is America? Who is He Voting For and Why? Is HE Fearful of a Civil War? Transactional vs Transformational. Social Media, Cable News and the State of our National Conversation. The Heroes of Today.

Few people have studied America and what it means to be an American more and at a deeper level than our guest in this one. He has dedicated his life to documenting the stories of the people, the history and the cultures that have shaped us all. And as we enter what is one of… Continue reading 274. Ken Burns. How Sick is America? Who is He Voting For and Why? Is HE Fearful of a Civil War? Transactional vs Transformational. Social Media, Cable News and the State of our National Conversation. The Heroes of Today.

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273. A Week Of Real Talk and Reckonings. Afghanistan. Trump. Ukraine. Netanyahu. Crime In America. RFK Jr’s Latest Ridiculous VP Name. March Madness in Our Politics.

This week, it’s time for real talk. Overdue real talk. On America’s terrible withdrawal from Afghanistan. On accountability for those failures that resulted in the 13 American servicemembers dying at Abbey Gate. On the fragile independent brand. On disgraced New Jersey Senator Bob Menendez considering running as an independent (Yes, really). On newly self-proclaimed independent… Continue reading 273. A Week Of Real Talk and Reckonings. Afghanistan. Trump. Ukraine. Netanyahu. Crime In America. RFK Jr’s Latest Ridiculous VP Name. March Madness in Our Politics.

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272. Breaking Down Kennedy, Aaron Rodgers, Jesse “The Body” Ventura, South By Southwest and All The Other Recent Independent Drama.

In case you missed it, newly-self-proclaimed independent RFK Jr. floated some VP names. Aaron Rodgers and Jesse Ventura. Exactly what the independent movement does NOT need.  And our Paul Rieckhoff is going to dig into why. He’ll also share the backstory behind why Kennedy’s involvement in a scheduled panel at the South By Southwest conference… Continue reading 272. Breaking Down Kennedy, Aaron Rodgers, Jesse “The Body” Ventura, South By Southwest and All The Other Recent Independent Drama.

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