33. David Bellavia. The Sole Living Medal of Honor Recipient of the Iraq War. Combat is Not Like The Movies. The Future of the Republican Party. Protesting Trump at the Veterans Day Parade. The Impeachment War Begins.

David Bellavia @DavidBellavia2 [54:17] is the sole living Congressional Medal of Honor Recipient to have served in the Iraq War. One fateful day in Iraq would forever change history. It also happened to be his birthday and the day before Veterans Day. On November 10, 2004, while serving as a squad leader in support of… Continue reading 33. David Bellavia. The Sole Living Medal of Honor Recipient of the Iraq War. Combat is Not Like The Movies. The Future of the Republican Party. Protesting Trump at the Veterans Day Parade. The Impeachment War Begins.

32. Bob Woodruff. The Meaning of Veterans Day. Trump Crashes Our Parade. Standing Up For Heroes. Living with Real Rocks in Your Head. Journalism in the Line of Fire. 36 Days in a Coma. Booing the President.

Bob Woodruff (@BobWoodruff) is a true American hero. A walking miracle. And one of the greatest advocates in America for troops and veterans. In 2006, Bob was reporting for ABC News from the front lines of Iraq when the vehicle he was riding in was hit by a roadside bomb. Woodruff sustained massive shrapnel wounds… Continue reading 32. Bob Woodruff. The Meaning of Veterans Day. Trump Crashes Our Parade. Standing Up For Heroes. Living with Real Rocks in Your Head. Journalism in the Line of Fire. 36 Days in a Coma. Booing the President.

31. James LaPorta EXCLUSIVE. The Newsweek Reporter Who Broke the Baghdadi Story. Conan the Special Forces Dog. Defending Colonel Vindman. #RudyButtDial: The Next Chapter. Inside NBC’s This is Us. Trump’s Halloween Scariness.

What’s it like to be the reporter who broke the story that US Special Forces had killed ISIS leader Abū Bakr al-Baghdadi? How does it feel to be the first to know the identify of American troops killed in action before the President does? What’s it like to go from serving in the US military… Continue reading 31. James LaPorta EXCLUSIVE. The Newsweek Reporter Who Broke the Baghdadi Story. Conan the Special Forces Dog. Defending Colonel Vindman. #RudyButtDial: The Next Chapter. Inside NBC’s This is Us. Trump’s Halloween Scariness.

30. Tulsi Gabbard. The Most Controversial Candidate Not Named Trump. A Warrior for Peace. Clashing with Hillary Clinton. Clashing with Trump. Clashing with Democrats. Syria Spirals Downward. #OurEnemiesAreCelebrating.

Inspirational leader or political spoiler? Super Hero or Bond villain? How you see controversial Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard (@TulsiGabbard) depends on where you sit. Fresh off a headline-grabbing clash with Hillary Clinton, Gabbard sits down with Paul Rieckhoff (@PaulRieckhoff) for a no-holds barred, extensive and uniquely candid conversation. [28:50] Gabbard is the first female combat veteran in… Continue reading 30. Tulsi Gabbard. The Most Controversial Candidate Not Named Trump. A Warrior for Peace. Clashing with Hillary Clinton. Clashing with Trump. Clashing with Democrats. Syria Spirals Downward. #OurEnemiesAreCelebrating.

29. Samantha Bee. The Kurds Are Being Slaughtered. Democrats Debate Again. The Middle East Jenga Game. Sam Bee at the DMV. The Daily Show Reunion Tour. Fighting Back With Comedy. Djibouti and Naugahyde.

This episode is really fun. And important. Samantha Bee (@iamsambee) [34:19] has taken on the rich, the powerful, the crooked and the wrong. She’s been a voice for the voiceless. And a true patriot. After 12 legendary years at The Daily Show with Jon Stewart, the trailblazing comedian, writer and producer launched her own groundbreaking… Continue reading 29. Samantha Bee. The Kurds Are Being Slaughtered. Democrats Debate Again. The Middle East Jenga Game. Sam Bee at the DMV. The Daily Show Reunion Tour. Fighting Back With Comedy. Djibouti and Naugahyde.

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28. Marc Roberge of O.A.R. Trump Betrays The Kurds. Playing USO Shows In Iraq. Inside The 2017 Halloween Terror Attack in NYC. Making a Difference With Music. Meeting Obama with Drowning Pool. Analyzing Mike Tyson and Tyson Fury.

Marc Roberge (@MarcRoberge) is the thoughtful, sincere, brilliant, fun and tenacious lead singer of the massively successful band, O.A.R. (@OfARevolution). Together, with his bandmates and childhood friends from Rockville, Maryland, Marc has built one of the most successful bands of the last two decades. O.A.R is successful because of the concerts they’ve sold out and… Continue reading 28. Marc Roberge of O.A.R. Trump Betrays The Kurds. Playing USO Shows In Iraq. Inside The 2017 Halloween Terror Attack in NYC. Making a Difference With Music. Meeting Obama with Drowning Pool. Analyzing Mike Tyson and Tyson Fury.

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27. Bradley Whitford. Impeachment Is Here. The West Wing vs The Handmaid’s Tale. Commander Lawrence and Robert McNamara. The Death Penalty in Politics. Backstage with Henry Kissinger and James Franco. The Adventures in Babysitting License Plate Contest.

With the American political landscape facing a new bombshell every few hours, host Paul Rieckhoff (@PaulRieckhoff) takes Angry Americans deep into the intersection of entertainment and politics with a man who has uniquely lived in that intersection for the last four decades. [27:50] Legendary actor and activist Bradley Whitford (@BradleyWhitford) has starred in The West… Continue reading 27. Bradley Whitford. Impeachment Is Here. The West Wing vs The Handmaid’s Tale. Commander Lawrence and Robert McNamara. The Death Penalty in Politics. Backstage with Henry Kissinger and James Franco. The Adventures in Babysitting License Plate Contest.

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26. Dean Kamen. Trump’s Ukraine Phone Call. On The Streets at Climate Strike with Greta. Inventing iBOTs, Segways and Scooters. The Wheelchair of the Future. Inside DARPA. Using Robots To Build Kids. Revenge of the Nerds.

Dean Kamen [22:32] is one of the greatest inventors of our time. He invented the Segway, the first drug infusion pump, and the Slingshot–a water purification device that requires no filters, can turn almost any kind of water into drinking water and can operate using cow dung as fuel. He also invented the LUKE (Life… Continue reading 26. Dean Kamen. Trump’s Ukraine Phone Call. On The Streets at Climate Strike with Greta. Inventing iBOTs, Segways and Scooters. The Wheelchair of the Future. Inside DARPA. Using Robots To Build Kids. Revenge of the Nerds.

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25. Scott Campbell. Tattooing PJs In Afghanistan After Operation Bulldog Bite. Experiencing Death is Like Chicken Pox. The Guy Who Wanted A Butterfly Tattoo. Grandma’s Pot Brownies. GM Workers Strike. Dadda Farts.

Legendary tattoo trailblazer Scott Campell is more than an artist. He’s a storyteller, he’s an oracle, he’s an entrepreneur, he’s an innovator, he’s a tastemaker. He’s a father, he’s a traveler, he’s an activist. He’s a great American success story–and a true creative visionary. Starting at the lowest levels, sweeping floors and scraping to eat,… Continue reading 25. Scott Campbell. Tattooing PJs In Afghanistan After Operation Bulldog Bite. Experiencing Death is Like Chicken Pox. The Guy Who Wanted A Butterfly Tattoo. Grandma’s Pot Brownies. GM Workers Strike. Dadda Farts.

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24. Jonathan X from Afghanistan. The Spirit of 9/11. President Mayhem. Bringing the Taliban to Camp David. The War in Afghanistan Is Old Enough to Enlist. Tom Brady or Antonio Brown. The Lessons of Les Gelb. Ties Should Be Banned.

18 years later, America is still processing 9/11. And 9/11 First Responder Paul Rieckhoff (@PaulRieckhoff) digs into all of it. From Trump’s plans to meet with the Taliban at Camp David to the Department of Defense making cuts to pay for the wall, to how to talk to your kids about 9/11. It’s a time… Continue reading 24. Jonathan X from Afghanistan. The Spirit of 9/11. President Mayhem. Bringing the Taliban to Camp David. The War in Afghanistan Is Old Enough to Enlist. Tom Brady or Antonio Brown. The Lessons of Les Gelb. Ties Should Be Banned.